Monday, June 18, 2007

Dress for DD

From Kukyideas tutorial, I made this Sunny Day Dress for my daughter. The size was a bit too small for her. Guess she will outgrow the dress in a few months time. However, it is a good start to learn the tactic of shirring.

Personally, I find that it is good to look at the Sunny Day Dress Tutorial, by House on Hill Road, as the Kukyideas tutorial had only described briefly on tying of the loose end for the shirring. The House on Hill Road had provided a much better picture.

It is really interesting sewing this dress...guess will improvised on the next time round.


JACQ said...

So cute! Wow, you've done the smocking part is really good! :)
Your model looks like she's having fun!

Anonymous said...

it is very nice. I also tried out the tutorial but hade failed in the shirring part.

I had to pull to gather it to the right size and the elastic thread will snap away.

Still trying to understand the shirring part.

But your little dress is sure a beauty.

Scrappy Days said...

Oh wow! This is really nice!! And your model is really cute!!

Becky said...

What a beautiful daughter and dress! I really love the fabric. Great job.

Anonymous said...

Thks ladies for the nice comments. Wen..maybe U can try to avoid gathering (if U are not strict in how many lines of shirring U want). If too loose..just add a few more lines, it will be tighter.

Unknown said...

I also tried this and it ended up too tight. If my daughter was to pull it on, the threads would. I'll have to try again because I love the look of the dress!

Unknown said...

Oops, sorry. I meant to say that the threads would have snapped.